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Robert E. Strahorn and the OC+E Railroad by Pati O'Connor

Identifier: SHL 285

Content Description

The Oregon, California and Eastern Railway (OC&E) was a 64-mile rail line between Oregon towns of Klamath Falls and Bly. The line was formed by Robert E. Strahorn, a railroad builder and promoter, in 1919. For 70 years the line was operated by local lumber mill owners, transporting logs to the sawmills. The last owner of the OC&E was Weyerhauser Company. The line ceased operations on May 1st, 1990. Collection contains the history of businessman... Robert Strahorn's involvement with the development of the Oregon, California and East railroad line. Written by author Pati O'Connor. 7 pages of text and 4 pages of illustrations

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  • Creation: Undated

Biographical / Historical

Robert E. (Bob) Strahorn was born in 1852 in Pennsylvania. After leaving the family farm, young Robert became a newsboy at the age of 10. After that he pursued numerous occupations: a farmer, a newspaper type setter, reporter and editor. By 1875 he served as a field correspondent for the Denver News, Chicago Tribune and New York Times. Later in life he moved to the West where he surveyed, engineered, promoted and built railroads. He also built irrigation... plants and waterworks. One of his notable achievements is the Klamath Falls Municipal Railway.

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1 item (A three-hole bound sheets with typed text and glued or taped black and white illustrations and maps)

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The Oregon, California and Eastern Railway (OC&E) was a 64-mile rail line between Oregon towns of Klamath Falls and Bly. It was founded by Robert E. Strahorn in 1919. Collection contains a paper written by Pati O’Connor about that man.

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Repository Details

Part of the Oregon Institute of Technology Libraries, Shaw Historical Library Repository

3201 Campus Drive
Klamath Falls OR 97603 United States